Articles - Page29

This Common Drug Makes You GAIN Weight?

Take cholesterol-lowering drugs? Here's something shocking: You're more likely to overeat. A new study from the University of Tokyo says that those who regularly took statins, a type of cholesterol-lowering drug, increased their caloric intake over a 10 year period, though researchers aren't quite sure why. Led by Dr. Takehiro Sugiyama from the University of Tokyo, Sugiyama speculates that taking statins may give people the wrong idea that they don't have to watch what they eat--a behavior that can ultimately…
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This 1 Trick Cuts Out 350 Calories From Your Diet

It's a common belief: Those who are obese have trouble feeling fuller faster. But does science back it up? According to a new study from the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, it turns out the opposite is the case--obese people actually feel fuller faster than those of normal weight. So what's going on here? "Our results show that, when compared to those of normal weight, obese participants reached maximal satiation sooner," say researchers, whose study was published online in the…
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Doing This Before Bed Stops Insomnia

We've all experienced it: Tossing and turning in bed that results in little to no sleep. Formally called insomnia, a prolonged loss of sleep can feel like a nightmare, affecting everything from our appetite levels to our ability to concentrate. Now researchers are asking the question: Could exercise affect our ability to sleep? While some experts say that exercising at night can make it harder to sleep--physical activity raises adrenaline, which can stimulate you--researchers are saying it's actually not a…
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This Diet Increases Breast Tumors by 28%

We all love the taste of a juicy, fatty hamburger, but could eating too much take a toll on your health? While it's obvious that eating too many fatty foods can lead to a bigger waistline, new research from the Fondazione IRCCS National Cancer Institute in Italy says doing so now can lead to a more serious health problem: Breast cancer. Reporting from Milan, Italy, lead author Sabina Sieri says her findings show eating a high-fat diet--especially one high in…
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The Surprising Problem That Causes Brittle Bones!

As women get older, it's a common problem: Weakened, brittle bones that often signal the start of osteoporosis. And while genetics--and eating a poor diet--are often responsible for weaker bones, research now shows there's something else to worry about out. So what is? Unfortunately, it's obesity. "It used to be the thinking that the heavier you were the better your bones would be because the bones were supporting more weight," says Jasminka Ilich-Ernst, a Hazel Stiebeling Professor of Nutrition at…
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This Trick Makes You Look 20 Years Younger- For FREE!

Imagine it: Looking 10 or 20 years younger without any painful injections, special creams, or even surgery. Better yet, it won't cost you a dime either--in fact, it's actually free. So what is it? According to Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, a professor of pediatrics and exercise science at McMaster University, it's exercise. "It shows that exercise is something we should be doing not just for our hearts and our brains and to lower cancer risk," says Tarnopolsky, whose study was originally…
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This Weird Trick Actually Prevents the Flu!

Exercised lately? Chances are if you're an adult American, you've spent more time surfing Youtube or watching television instead of getting in 30 minutes of physical activity--something that many of us skip out on just because we're "just not in the mood." But perhaps this will kick your butt into gear. According to a new report from the U.K., staying active just isn't great for a trim waistline--it may also significantly reduce your risk of the flu. Although spring is…
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This Drug Could Make You Gain 30 POUNDS!

Want to lose weight? Well here's one thing you should avoid: Antibiotics. According to a new study from Aix-Marseille University in Marseille, France, a certain antibiotic used to treat Q fever, a type of illness similar to the flu, caused people to gain up to 30 pounds, whereas those who skipped the antibiotic gained no weight at all. It's a scary thought--and one that brings into question the safety of antibiotics. "At a WHO reference center for Q fever, a…
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This 1 Change Could Make the Paleo Diet More Effective

Following the Paleo Diet? Chances are you're eating the wrong foods, according to Daniella Martin, author of the book Edible. Though traditional Paleo Diet guidelines recommend eating a variety of fresh vegetables, meats, and saturated fats--preferably from organic sources--Martin say the best way to eat "Paleo" isn't by eating any of these foods at all. Instead, she says that our hunter-gatherer ancestors--the Paleo diet is said to mimic the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors--ate "lots and lots of bugs," and…
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Try This Diet to Avoid Prostate Cancer

It's a fact: Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in American men. Yet when it comes to fighting this disease, the battle isn't as easy, thanks to old age and late diagnoses--something that isn't going away. As for making it less severe, however, there may be a new way to fight it, according to a study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research. Examining a group of men diagnosed with prostate cancer, researchers looked at…
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