Articles - Page4

The Surprising Reason Why “Health” Snacks are BAD For You!

Foods labeled with the words "fitness," "active," or "health" may fool people into thinking it's good to splurge on--but that's exactly why these foods may be a bad choice for consumers, according to new research from the Journal of Marketing Research. These foods even make people exercise less, says CBS medical contributor Holly Phillips, M.D.. "Marketing foods and branding them as 'fitness' and 'active' and 'health' is a really popular sales strategy," says Phillips, who did not participate in the…
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These 2 Diets Could DESTROY Your Memory!

Eating a diet high in sugar and fat isn't good for your waistline--but now new research from Oregon State University reveals its effects don't just stop there. According to new research by scientists from the university, high-fat and high-sugar diets cause unfavorable changes in gut bacteria, reducing something called "cognitive flexibility"--eventually worsening a person's short-term and long-term memory. The research appears in the current issue of Neuroscience. "Bacteria can release compounds that act as neurotransmitters, stimulate sensory nerves or the…
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Choosing This Diet Makes You Lose LESS Weight!

Want to lose weight? Your best bet could be to have someone else choose your diet plan, say researchers from the Durham VA Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. According to new research, scientists say people who choose their own diet plans end up losing less weight than those who don't--something researchers believe occurs because people choose diet plans that contain more of their favorite foods. This, in theory, makes it more difficult for them to eat less. "People might…
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This Type of Fat Makes a Man’s Memory WORSE!

The trans fat found in your favorite fast food meals may enhance its taste, but watch out: These fats could wreck havoc on your memory. According to new research from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine, men who ate a diet high in trans fats performed more poorly on memory tests, indicating their memory had worsened. Men who did not eat as many trans fast performed better on these tests, however. The findings are published in the…
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Doing THIS Workout Could Cause Blood Poisoning

There's no such thing as too much exercise, right? As it turns out, there is--and doing too much could have deadly consequences. In a press release posted earlier this week, researchers from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia recently uncovered that people who engage in extreme exercise could develop blood poisoning--something that, if left untreated, could cause septic shock and death. "The body has the ability to adapt and put a brake on negative immune responses triggered by extreme endurance events,"…
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Eating This Snack KILLS Your Appetite!

Appetite control is a problem for many people, especially for those trying to lose weight. Now new research once again proves a simple way to keep your appetite under control. According to new research from the University of Missouri-Columbia, eating high-protein snacks help reduce a person's appetite, preventing them from eating more calories throughout the day. But the biggest surprise? Eating beef jerky wasn't the best solution--instead, it was eating high-protein soy products, such as tofu. The research appears in…
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This 1 Simple Habit Could Make You Thinner

Benjamin Franklin once said early risers make men healthy, wealthy, and wise, which has proven true for many business leaders. Now new research may prove that Franklin was right about its health benefits. New research reported by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine reveals people who rise early--and therefore are exposed to more light earlier in the day--often had lower body mass indexes, or BMIs, and healthier body fat percentages. Those who were exposed to light later in the day…
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This is the ONLY Exercise Seniors Should Do!

Need to get in shape? If you're over the age of 65, you may be better off sticking to light exercise, according to new research from Oregon State University. According to the study, which now appears in the American Journal of Health Promotion, people over 65 who did at least 300 minutes of light exercise per week--such as doing household chores or table tennis--still reaped major health benefits, such as a lower body mass index (BMI) and a reduced likelihood…
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This Activity Prevents Both Breast AND Lung Cancer!

They say exercise is nature's medicine--and now, those effects run more than skin deep. According to new research presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology in Chicago, women over 40 who stayed physically active reduced their risk of lung and breast cancer later in life. It was significant too--in one study, it reduced their breast cancer risk by as much as 31 percent. Those are major findings, say researchers. "This reduction occurred irrespective of the…
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These 2 Simple Exercises Alleviate Pain Naturally

Clogged arteries are bad for your heart--but for those who have it in their legs, commonly referred to as peripheral artery disease (PAD), it can also trigger excruciating calf pain, something that is often hard to treat. Now new research from the Tohoku Graduate School of Medicine in Japan offers a way to alleviate it: Strengthen your hip flexor muscles. The research was recently presented to the American Heart Association's Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology/Peripheral Vascular Disease Scientific Session 2015…
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