Posts by: Ann Olson

This Nutrient in Your Diet Could CAUSE Memory Loss!

Chances are you've probably never heard of methionine before, a type of amino acid. If you want to lower your risk of memory loss, however, this could either make or break your diet. According to new research presented at the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, eating a diet high in methionine, commonly found in meat and dairy products, could cause long-term memory loss. Eating a diet with a moderate amount of methionine is beneficial, however, so simply avoiding…
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Do This Everyday to Reverse the Signs of Aging!

Getting older means a lot of things: Having less energy, strength, and even trouble remembering things. But is there a way to recapture your youth? According to researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and Humboldt State University, there is--and the solution is as simple as going out for a daily jog. "What we found is that older adults who regularly participate in highly aerobic activities--running in particular--have a lower metabolic cost of walking than older, sedentary adults and also…
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Add This to Your Diet To Lose 18% More Weight

Eating a high-fat diet? Turns out there's a new way to make you even skinnier--by using something you'd never expect. According to a new study in PLOS One, mice who ate a high-fat diet supplemented with no-pulp grapefruit juice lost 18 percent more weight than mice who simply drank water. Doing so also lowered their blood glucose levels--something that could also lower the risk of diabetes. For researcher Dr. Andreas Stahl, the news is encouraging. "Obesity and insulin resistance are…
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