
Cut This Oil Out of Your Diet To Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is on the rise--and scientists are struggling to reduce its prevalence. Now researchers have identified one reason why diabetes is so hard to control. According to a new study from the University of British Columbia, having too much corn oil could cause insulin resistance and impaired glucose disposal--two risk factors that can eventually lead to a diabetes diagnosis. And the reason why? Corn oil contains a type of fat no one should consume: omega 6 fatty acids. "We found…
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Add This to Your Diet To Stop High Blood Pressure

Eating a high-fat diet can have serious consequences--including high blood pressure, weight gain, and even reduced insulin sensitivity. Research from the University of Eastern Finland reveal there's a way to stop these adverse effects, however. According to their findings, now published in the journal PLoS One, mice fed freeze-dried bilberries while consuming a high-fat diet experienced less inflammation and high blood pressure--something that researchers now attribute to its ability to lessen inflammation in the body. "Low-grade metabolic inflammation and hypertension…
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This Common Condiment TRIGGERS Headaches!

Headaches ruining your life? Chances are there's too much salt in your diet, according to a new study published in the British Medical Journal. According to the findings, which were first reported earlier last week, people whose diets were rich in salt had over 30 percent more headaches than those whose diets were low in salt. Eating a diet high in fat and sugar were cited as the biggest reason why people consume too much salt. "Headaches are a common…
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Why These Comments Make You GAIN Weight!

Warding off weight gain is hard enough--but now new research reveals a common way your family could undo your hard progress. Research from Renison University College at the University of Waterloo reveals that women who were nagged by friends or family members about their weight gained 4.5 pounds on average--whereas those who had received positive comments about their weight did not. As for the reasons why, researchers say receiving positive messages helped women feel more positive--encouraging them to continue their…
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This 1 Daily Activity Makes You Lose MORE Weight!

For dieters, stepping on the scale is a common ritual--but is it a good or bad thing? According to new research from the Cornell Food & Brand Lab, it's not only good, it's effective. New research from their lab says that people who weighed themselves at least once per week were more likely to lose weight--but those who didn't usually gained more weight. On the contrary, more weigh-ins also increased body dissatisfaction, with some evidence linking it to disordered eating.…
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This “Healthy” Diet is BAD For Fighting Diabetes!

Normally, eating a low-carbohydrate diet is considered one of the best ways to reduce diabetes symptoms. New research from the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School are challenging these claims, however. According to the study, now published in the December issues of JAMA, overweight or obese adults who ate a diet low in glycemic foods and carbohydrates did not improve symptoms associated with diabetes--including insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and lipid levels. Worse yet, it didn't decrease their risk…
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Skipping THIS in Your Diet Could Make You Obese!

To lose weight, some of us skip our main meals--such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. According to new research from the University of Eastern Finland, however, doing so now is associated with a higher risk of obesity. Aino-Maija Eloranta, MHSc, who presented the results earlier this month at the University of Eastern Finland, says that children who skipped eating meals were more likely to have excess body fat, putting them at risk of obesity later in life. Worse yet, it…
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Doing This at Night Makes You FAT?

When it comes to work, we usually don't get to choose our hours--thank bosses for that. Unfortunately, what we can't control--whether we work the day or night shift--could spell trouble for our waistlines, according to new research. A new study by University of Colorado Boulder researchers reveals people who work the night shift end up burning fewer calories than people who maintain a normal work schedule--causing them to pile on more weight. Obviously, that's not a good thing if you're…
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Eating This Makes You HUNGRIER?

You're trying to lose weight--but persistent hunger pangs make it hard to stay on track. Is there truly a way to stop it? According to a new study from the University of Southern California, there is--by avoiding a common, everyday sweetener. Dr. Kathleen Page, who led the new study, reveals that fructose--commonly used in the form of high-fructose corn syrup--suppresses a part of the brain that controls appetite, making it harder to stop eating. It also affects the part of…
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Models Use This Diet to Get THIN Fast!

It's a dream some women share: Having a slim, tanned Victoria's Secret Angel body. However, few ever attain this goal--and that's because they don't have access to the man behind these models' bodies. Earlier this week, Dr. Charles Passler--the man behind Adriana Lima's Victoria's Secret body--revealed his tricks to helping models slim down fast. And although some cynics assume it's just a fancy recipe for starvation, Passler insists it's more complicated--and healthier. "Most people’s problem is that they don’t exercise…
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